Monday, April 20, 2009

One week in Prague...Czech it out!

We arrived in Prague around Saturday 23:30 and were greeted by a nice fellow CouchSurfer, Argus. There happened to be a CouchSurfing Prague monthly party, so we went directly over to the pub where it was happening...with our bags on and all. We mingled with the other 20 or so couchsurfers, and after much discussion...and a few good Czech beers shoved in our hands, we decided to stay with Vitek instead of Argus, as he could host us for more days. We originally thought of staying in Prague for about 3 to 4 days, but ended up staying 6. The days we had chosen to see the big Prague castle happened to be the same days that George W. Bush was in town with his cronies, and the whole area was closed to the public. Damn! Now that's bad timing! You leave America to study other cultures and get away from your right wing conservative government...then they follow you to the other side of the world with their fear based war agendas. You see...Bush and Co. are here to propose

closer pic of castle
closer pic of castle
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an anti-missile defense system to be installed in Czech Republic and Poland. This would mean US military presence in the old Soviet east Europe republics. I read that 80% of the population here is against it, but that the government would probably allow it anyway to stay on friendly terms with US and get some of those uncle sam benefits. Russia president Vladimir Putin is not too happy about this.

He stated that he would have to start thinking about targeting European countries again if this were to happen.

wall of Absynth at a local liquor store
wall of Absynth at a local liquor store
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Cold War II? WW III? Let us hope not.

As for Prague...I enjoyed looking around this old city. The old clocktower that puts on quite a puppet show every hour was cool. The old Charles bridge was nice... full of street performers, vendors, and happy tourists strolling along the car-free lanes. The mini-Eifell tower beheld a spectacularific view of the entire city!

But...i started to realize that I am getting bored with seeing the old buildings and old churches and old bridges of Europe...and that more thant sightseeing...getting to know people is more important to me. So...we organized another couchsurfing get-together! We hung out with some of our new couchsurfing friends and went out

the ole clocktower!
the ole clocktower!
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for another big night drinking good ole Czech beer, the original Budweiser (much much better) and my new favorite, Kazel (so smooth!).

For our last day we decided to go to the countryside and canoe down a river for a 4 hour tour. We payed for Vitek to come along to show our gratitude for letting us stay at his place all week. It was nice getting out of the city and slowly cruising down

the river. Well...except for the few dozen times we kept spinning around accidentally

and thought we would tip over! All fun and games...

navigation is a new city!
navigation is a new city!

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